Arma 3 hails people of every flavor from all over the world. To get to know them a little better, we're hosting a series of mini-interviews with some of our amazing community members. These aim to give you a personal insight into their backgrounds, why they got into Arma, and how they typically experience the game.


Name: Takashi

Nickname: Classic

Age: 20's

Location: Shikoku region, Japan

Occupation: Logistics

名前: Takashi
ニックネーム: classic
年齢: 20代
所在地: 日本、四国地方
職業: 物流関係


Can you provide us with one random fact about yourself?

I'm a WRC aficionado. Of course, the team I support is TGR! I'm also a movie and American TV series junkie. My favorite one is 'Breaking Bad' and least favorite one is 'LAST RESORT', which I have nothing to say about.


熱心なWRCのファンです。応援チームはもちろんTGR!また映画と米ドラマジャンキーでBreaking Badがお気に入り。最悪なドラマはLAST RESORTです。あれはもう何も言えないですね。

What was the first Arma game you played?

I bought the Japanese edition of Arma 2 back in 2009. After that, I bought it on Steam again.



What is your current Arma 3 playtime?

Approximately 3,000 hours, which is very short compared to my friends who have already played 5,000-10,000 hours.



What is your favourite game of all time?

Arma 3 and Katamari Damacy, of course! I wouldn't miss these two!



What is your favourite movie of all time?

As I like war films and movies that make my palms sweaty, 'Lone Survivor' and '13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi' are definitely my favourites.


戦争モノと手に汗握る話が好きなのでレッド・ウィング作戦を描いたローン・サバイバーですが、それと同じぐらいに13時間 ベンガジの秘密の兵士も好きです。

Do you eat pineapple on pizza?

I never eat pineapple because I hate it. For the same reason, as an answer to a similar question: 'Do you eat chicken with lemon', I never eat chicken with lemon.



Can you show us your PC setup?



1. How and why did you get into Arma?

A clan member from another online game told me about the Arma 2 release in 2009. I finished the bootcamp after installing the game, and started playing 'Domination 2' without playing the singleplayer campaign. After a while, the server admin I played with during that time introduced me to the milsim coop world.


2009年当時に入っていたオンラインゲームのクランメンバーが、Arma 2が発売されると教えてくれたのがきっかけです。発売されインストールした後はブートキャンプを終え、シングルプレイには目もくれずDomination 2を始めました。そして当時遊んでいたサーバー管理者からミリシムCo-opを教えてもらいました。

2. How do you play or engage with Arma 3 nowadays?

I usually play hundreds of various casual milsim coop missions in one of the biggest Japanese communities, called 'TRI Gaming', with about 80 other players. Though we call it 'casual', we believe we have some realism which doesn't yield to other milsim units. Or, I research various different mods for my own blog, or translate mods for my community and create some tutorial documents such as sniper guides.


いつも日本で最大と言っても過言ではないオープンコミュニティのTRI Gamingで、数百を超えるコミュニティ製のCo-opミッションを80人程度のプレイヤーと一緒にカジュアルなミリシムをプレイしています。カジュアルなミリシムといっても十分にリアリズムを持ち、他のミリシムユニットにも引けを取らないとほどです。もしくは自らのブログ用にModを調べているか、一部のModを日本語化したり、前述のユニット用にACE3を使った狙撃の方法といったガイドを作製しています。

3. Can you tell us about your most remarkable Arma 3 moment? (most funny, memorable, biggest achievement, etc)

It was a US Marine mission in Summer Chernarus. I was an AT rifleman operating a SMAW, and I shot a round into the remaining enemy infantry with the squad leader's permission. Just at the moment I shot the launcher, a high value target we had to rescue, escorted by another squad, passed by behind me, and I killed him with the backblast from the launcher. After that, while I was sharing what happened with other players on the way to the rendezvous point uphill, an MRAP appeared from the hilltop and we heard the commanding officer shouting "STOOOOOP!!!". I laughed so hard seeing the MRAP pass just in front of me, running over several other players.


チェルナルス (夏) でアメリカ海兵隊のミッションでした。私はSMAW (ロケットランチャー)の射手で、分隊長の許可を取り一発だけ残存歩兵に向かって発射しました。ちょうどその時他の分隊に連れられていた、殺してはならない重要救出対象がこちら側の死角から後ろに現れ、バックブラスト (ランチャーの反動を相殺する仕組み) で死んでしまったのです。その後、下り坂になっている道の上へ設定された集結地点で自分の失敗話をしていたのですが、中から司令官がドライバーに向かって「止まれ~!」と叫びながらMRAPが道を下っていき、2~3人を轢き殺して目の前を通り過ぎていく光景には大爆笑しました。

4. What is your favorite piece of Arma 3 user-created content (mod, addon, scenario, game mode, tool) and why?

This question was an easy one. ACE3 and ACRE2, which enhance realism; RHS and CUP, which are essential to those who love modern armies; Military Gear Pack; and lastly, JSRS SOUNDMOD which changes the atmosphere – they are my favourite mods. Also, I can't miss Tabler for translation, and I have an attachment to the 'Domination' series, which can be easily played. Lastly, I enjoy watching cinematic movies from 'Banned Inc.'.



すぐに思い付きました。リアリズムを高めるACE3ACRE2、そして現代軍ファンなら必須のRHSCUPMilitary Gear Pack、最後にガラリと雰囲気が変わるJSRS SOUNDMODはお気に入りから外せません。翻訳にはツールのTablerが手放せませんし、気軽にプレイ出来るDominationシリーズには思い入れがあります。そして"cinematics"な動画が見ものなBanned Inc.はいつも楽しませてもらっています。

5. Can you share your #1 pro-tip for any Arma 3 player?

Play a multiplayer mode while having fun with other teammates. Also, take screenshots of the best scenes and share them!




BONUS: Would you rather be able to breathe under water or fly through the air?

Breathing underwater attracts me, but I wanna fly through the air to skip traffic jams. By the way, it sounds very fun but I'm afraid of heights and when I'm at high places my knees start shaking.




When you try a mod, play a scenario, see an artwork, or anything else, please send feedback to the author. They are always waiting for your feedback and your opinion, and giving it fuels their motivation to create a new piece.

Also, I would like to express my gratitude to 'Jerry Hopper', who invited me to Arma 3. Lastly, I thank Bohemia Interactive for continuous effort of developing a wonderful game and community.


もしMODを試したり、見つけたミッションをプレイしてみたり、投稿されるアートワークを見たら、どんなことでも良いですから作者にフィードバックを送ってください。彼らは常に意見や感想を求めていますし、感想を貰うとそれが原動力となり新たな作品がきっと生まれることでしょう。また僕をArma 3へ招待してくれた、"Jerry Hopper"氏に謝辞を述べたいと思います。最後に素晴らしい作品とコミュニティを作り上げ、そして今もなお発展させよう試みているBohemia Interactiveにも感謝を。ところでサプライ クレートがまだ僕に届いていないのですが? (笑)