Welcome to the Community Radar, or as we also call it: #COMRAD. We're here to showcase another batch of incredible community content that was shared recently. Check it out!


Viper1Zero has been away from the Arma scene for quite some time now, but he will be making a return soon™! We can't wait to have you back in the fold, and to see what you have in store for your YouTube channel, Viper!

British Royal Marines work alongside New Takistani Army in central Takistan circa 2023 in this artwork by Commander Charms.

Let's try to add some context to yet another POLPOX #NoContextArma work: two American soldiers conduct a very chilly foot patrol while on exercise somewhere in late 1980s West Germany in this screenshot!

In this screenshot, entitled "The King of Battle," by Toast, a gun from the Altis Armed Forces 1st Artillery Regiment shells FIA rebel positions during the first year of the Altian Civil War.


Flex7103 has decided to take one of their popular Arma 3 compositions, turn it into a mod, and and release it on the Steam Workshop. CQB Interactions adds a morale and surrender system to Arma 3's enemy and civilian AI, improving your CQB / CQC experience. You can download the mod here on the Steam Workshop to try it out yourself!

Have you ever wanted to add your own voiceover lines to your custom Arma 3 scenarios? TalvaldTheTraveler has you covered with an excellent video tutorial on YouTube - available here! You can also check out Talvald's other videos about customizing your Arma 3 experience, as well as a playlist of helpful and interesting Arma 3 editor tutorials on YouTube!

On October 1st, Project TNI was released on the Steam Workshop! This mod adds the Indonesian National Armed Forces to Arma 3, introducing new weapons, vehicles, and equipment for players. It is focused on domestically-produced armament primarily used by the Army. Since its release, further updates have added Indonesian UN Peacekeepers, Military Police (Polisi Militer), and compatibility for ACE3, ACRE2, and TFAR!

You can download Project TNI here.

You can watch the mod's launch trailer below:


On September 12th, Arma 3 celebrated 11 years of operations! We received a number of replies and well-wishes across our social media accounts, and the community reflected upon all their time with Arma 3 and the Arma franchise as a whole. As we said on the day, thank you to all our developers, past and present, as well as our third-party partners for everything they have done over the past 11 years. We thank our community of players, content creators, and modders for their tireless dedication to Arma 3, making it the premier military simulation platform it is today!

Bohemia Interactive Amsterdam's Creative Lead Karel Mořický has recently been posting a number of highly interesting threads detailing behind-the-scenes and development stories for Arma 3 and the Arma franchise on X. From the unique license plates of civilian vehicles, tidal systems in the Real Virtuality Engine, the handling of guns in the Arma series, and the series of in-game wrist watches available to Arma players, there is likely something Karel has posted about that you weren't previously aware of - even if you are an Arma veteran! Check our Karel's X account and learn something new!

On September 14th, Antistasi Official hosted a community event, designed by member Predator0410. Operation Black Arrow was a Cold War gone hot scenario, which saw the 2nd Mechanized Platoon of the US Army 8th Infantry Division sent to recapture lost towns and hold back a Soviet counterattack.

To sign up for any future Antistasi community events, visit their Discord server for more information!


DarkLiberator has released a video featuring a recent operation by The Cooler Server (TCS). Playing as a West German recon team during an alternate timeline Cold War scenario, DarkLiberator and TCS led a counterattack against Soviet forces, they then had to build a Forward Operating Base (FOB) and hold out against Soviet reinforcements. You can watch this intense and exciting Arma 3 session below:

In this video, Jack the Creator gives an overview of several Zeus scripts and compositions by community content creator crub. If you are looking for some interesting content as a Zeus Game Master, definitely check out the video below:


On September 27th, Arma Community Manager LeClair hosted a custom-made Zeus Game Master armored operation live on YouTube. Community Manager Nillers, along with some special guests, acted as British Army Challenger 2 tank crews in a scenario set during the first day of Operation Arrowhead in southern Takistan. The stream featured the Burnes Armories - FV4034 Challenger 2 mod, the 3CB British Armed Forces mod suite, 3CB Factions, and the Desert Battlegrounds terrain. You can watch the scenario from LeClair's perspective as Zeus below:

You can view the event from Chewie's perspective below:

Also, you can watch from Ceb.Cin's perspective below:


Community Spotlights:

Community Profile:



Play Session Live Stream

Arma 3 Mod Blogposts:


If you would like to suggest content for next month's #COMRAD, make sure you tag @ArmaPlatform or #Arma3 on X, or submit your suggestions to LeClair on X, Discord, or on our forums.