Arma 3 hails people of every flavor from all over the world. To get to know them a little better, we're hosting a series of mini-interviews with some of our amazing community members. These aim to give you a personal insight into their backgrounds, why they got into Arma, and how they typically experience the game. In this issue, we interview community leader LaFlash.


Name: John LaFlash
Nickname: Nickname: “Major,” or simply just “LaFlash
Age: 36
Location: Wisconsin, USA
Occupation: Grocery Retail Executive


Can you provide us with one random fact about yourself?

I am a U.S. Army veteran, having served from 2004 to 2010. I enlisted the day after my 17th birthday, with a waiver from my parents. My older brother Raymond and I shared a deep desire to serve our country from a young age, spending our childhood playing BB gun wars and pretending to be soldiers. Raymond enlisted in July 2001, but tragically, he died in October 2002 while serving in the U.S. Army. His loss only strengthened my resolve to follow in his footsteps and serve as soon as I could.

What's the first Arma game you played?

My first experience with the Arma series began in 2008 with Arma: Armed Assault. In 2010, with the release of Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, my milsim unit, the 3rd Infantry Division Realism Unit, adopted Arma as a supported game. For the past 14 years, we've never looked back, making Arma the foundation of our immersive military simulation experience.

What is your current Arma 3 playtime?

3,794 hrs and I’d wager about 1 in-game death per 30 mins of that.

What is your favorite game of all time?

I've got to go with Arma 3, fueled by my years within the milsim gaming scene. I do have a couple thousand hours in the America’s Army series as well, which was supported by our unit for over 15 years.

Outside of video games, what other hobbies do you enjoy?

I actively participate in competitive long-range precision shooting, a sport that demands focus and skill, and someday I’ll be better at it! It's a discipline where every factor, from wind and distance, to elevation and bullet drop, must be carefully calculated. My primary rifle is a Remington .260. I continuously refine my shooting techniques, from mastering breath control to adjusting for environmental conditions, to ensure precision with every shot. Long-range shooting challenges both mental and physical endurance, making it a deeply rewarding pursuit when you hear that impact.

Can you show us your PC setup?


How and when did you get into Arma?

My first experience with Arma: Armed Assault came in the summer of 2008, thanks to a few gaming buddies I knew from America’s Army. Fresh off a deployment with the U.S. Army, I was immediately drawn in by the game's immersive sandbox environment and state-of-the-art graphics of back then. What really stood out to me was the ability to create missions and patrols based on my real-life military experiences, bringing a new level of realism and creativity to the game that I hadn’t seen before.

How do you play or engage with Arma 3 nowadays?

I am currently the Unit Commander of the 3rd Infantry Division Realism Unit, a group I joined in 2006 after serving with the actual 3rd Infantry Division. We transitioned from Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead to Arma 3 shortly after its launch in 2013. For the past 11 years, our unit has conducted operations every Sunday at 1500 EST / EDT. These operations typically span an entire campaign of missions that last approximately 8 to 10 months each year. Each campaign features intricate backstories and live intelligence that can significantly influence the outcome of the mission, adding a dynamic layer to our gameplay experience.

Can you tell us more about the 3rd ID?

I joined the 3rd Infantry Division Realism Unit as a Private Trainee back in 2006, but the unit was actually founded in 2003 by a group of friends who wanted to create an immersive gaming experience. Initially, we supported games like Day of Defeat and America’s Army. I worked my way up through the ranks and took command of the unit in October 2008.

Over the past 21 years, the 3rd Infantry Division Realism Unit has seen a diverse range of personnel among its ranks, with a nearly even split between Eastern and Western European members and North American troops. We've had thousands of real-life military personnel serve with us, bringing unique perspectives and experiences that enrich our operations.

As a U.S. Army Light Infantry unit, we prioritize realism in our operations. To enhance our tactical capabilities within the framework of Arma, we also have a Reconnaissance Platoon and a full flight detachment that provides Close Air Support (CAS), transport, and medical evacuation (Medevac). This combination allows us to conduct dynamic and realistic missions while fostering a strong sense of camaraderie among our members.

I’ve always been a leader who wants to show appreciation to our members, as there are literally hundreds of different unit options for them to choose from in the Arma Community. So for the past half decade or so, our unit has been giving out Unit Anniversary gifts to our troops that serve with us. Starting with your first year of service with us, we also have milestones at three years, five years, and so on. I also am always up for meeting up with any of our troops while travelling, so I can give them a coveted “Commander's Challenge Coin.”

Can you tell us more about Milsim Units?

In 2021, I began exploring new recruiting avenues for our unit. Recognizing that many channels were already saturated—such as the Arma Platform's Discord, popular content creators' Discords (like Karmakut and Drewski), Steam discussions, and a few smaller platforms—I realized the challenges we faced. With hundreds, if not thousands, of groups vying for members, our recruitment posts would often get buried within minutes under a flood of other announcements.

This led me to consider how we could attract potential recruits more effectively. I envisioned creating a central hub for milsim gaming, where units across various games could establish free profiles showcasing their units, operations times, game preferences, social media links, and more. This idea eventually gave birth to the Milsim Units website. Our mission is to help individuals effortlessly discover milsim communities that align with their interests which in return tends to have these individuals stay with that group longer.

On our platform, the most active units for each game are prominently featured, with rankings determined by daily votes reflecting their engagement in that community. This allows individuals to easily identify the most active and organized milsim communities available to them. Since creating our first unit profile in mid-February 2024, we’ve grown to nearly 300 Milsim communities on the platform, primarily used by Arma 3 and Arma Reforger units, but with support for units on many other milsim / FPS style games.

Additionally, we provide units with enhanced advertising opportunities to highlight their profiles on our website and across our social media platforms (YouTube, X, and Facebook) which helps make their unit more visible, and showcases them a bit more than just a post on a forum board that will be pushed down the page within minutes.

What is your favorite piece of Arma 3 user-created content (mod, addon, scenario, game mode, tool) and why?

I’m a passionate World War II enthusiast (NERD) —so much so that my wedding anniversary falls on D-Day, June 6th. I have a particular fondness for the Spearhead 1944 CDLC, and before that, Iron Front was always a go-to game for me. Luckily with my work in Milsim Units, this past June, I was thrilled to participate in a D-Day event organized by the 101st Airborne Division (Vietnam) Unit, which also hosted a Market Garden event later on. There’s nothing quite like the adrenaline rush of jumping from a plane—whether it was during my time in the U.S. Army or behind my keyboard; the excitement is always the same in my eyes!

Can you share your #1 pro tip for any Arma 3 player?

Avoid IEDs… But also master your communication skills. Whether you're leading a squad or following orders, clear and effective communication is key to survival and mission success in Arma. Use proper radio protocol, be concise, and make sure everyone understands their roles. In such a complex and tactical game, even the best strategies can fall apart if players aren't on the same page.

With the release of Arma Reforger and modding tools for Enfusion Engine, what are you looking forward to with the franchise as we move along the road to Arma 4?

I'm really excited to see how the community embraces the new possibilities for more immersive and dynamic scenarios. The modding community has always been a huge part of Arma’s success over the years, and now with more powerful tools, we can expect some revolutionary content. I'm particularly looking forward to seeing how the new engine enhances AI behavior, terrain creation, and larger-scale combined arms operations. It feels like the road to Arma 4 is paved with a lot of potential for innovation and deeper realism and milsim gaming. It's an exciting time to be part of the Arma community!

BONUS: If you could play any instrument or learn any language in two hours, which would you choose and how would you use your talent?

I would choose to master the piano. The piano is incredibly versatile, with its ability to play a wide range of musical styles and convey deep emotion. I’d use this talent to compose music that captures the experiences and stories of people around the world, creating soundtracks that evoke emotion and bring people together. Music has a universal language of its own, and the piano is a perfect tool for telling stories that words sometimes can’t. As a bonus to my new skill, I would be able to have my own original soundtracks for any Arma content I create!


To finish the interview, do you have anything you'd like to share with the Arma community?

To the Arma community, I just want to say how incredible it is to be part of such a dedicated and passionate group of players. Over my years in the community, I have gotten to play with, mentor, and be mentored by some of the best people around the world. One of the greatest parts of running a milsim unit has to be that if I travel around the world, 9 out of 10 times, I know a fellow gamer in that country to meet up with and have an adult beverage!

Arma isn't just a game—it's a platform that fosters creativity, teamwork, and unforgettable experiences. Whether you're a mission maker, modder, squad leader, or a brand-new player, everyone contributes to this unique community. With Arma Reforger laying the groundwork for the future and the road to Arma 4 ahead, I’m excited to see how our community will continue to innovate and push the boundaries of what’s possible.

A huge thank you to the Bohemia Interactive staff and the Arma Platform team for fostering an incredible environment that truly embodies what milsim gaming is all about! And of course, if you’re looking for an Arma 3 unit and are available on weekends at 1500 EST / 2000 BST, be sure to check out the 3rd Infantry Division Realism Unit. If we’re not the perfect fit for you, I guarantee you’ll discover your next community at